Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Just for the Blog of it

Don't really have a whole lot to say today, but I wanted to keep my momentum going. I have plenty of blog ideas, but lack the time/creativity at the moment to finish them. I will say life is good. I am happy as I have ever been, and I am living with purpose.

I am working from home this week, which means I get up ungodly early to get started on work, and squeeze as much into my afternoon as possible before staying up ungodly late. And you wonder why my regular life is so boring. I am resting up from trips home.

My little brother is getting married on Saturday. That is a crazy thought. Oddly enough it does not really effect me as much as people expect. I have gotten a lot of "So....your little brother huh? How do you feel about THAT?!" lately, and to be honest, I am stoked for him, but it has very little impact in me. While it is true that I will be 31 and single, and both of my little siblings will married with kids, I really am unaffected personally.

Has my narcissism finally worn off? Sadly, no. I just feel strongly that I am where I need to be at this point in my life, and it took everything that has happened previously to get me here. I am ready for the next chapter, but I could never have said that before now.

Lastly, as self-centered and self-absorbed as I can be, that has never really been the case with my siblings. I have always wanted the best for them, and while they may be the only two people I care about more than myself, I'll take what I can get. It is certainly no credit to me, if you know them, you know how easy it is to love them. That, and it was how we were raised. From as early as I can remember, it was never about fairness with us; it was always 'you win, we win'. We have always been happy for each other. If there is any great pearl of wisdom I hope to steal from my parents, it is that.

With that I will sign off for the day. Greetings from my old home, and here's to the next chapter.

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