This is not a film review, just more questions.
I know I was late to the party, but after passing up several chances to see 'Juno' when it was first out, I just decided I was going. I was bored on a Sunday for the first time in months, and my group-text (I just figured out how to do that, so I'm addicted) yeilded one taker. Thanks Dave.
SPOILER ALERT: Good movie. Worth seeing. Better if you don't know what happens.
As I said, this is not a review. So here is my question. The whole movie, Juno avoids the other kid (George Michael from Arrested Developement...too lazy to look up his name). Then her dad gives her the big speech about finding someone who accepts you for you no matter what, flaws and all. That's the key to happiness. And he's so right. It fits perfectly with the movie, and I walk out saying, "Yes. That's it. I am very flawed. I should find some that accepts my flaws and still loves me for me."
But, (if you have ever talked to me or read me before, you had to know there was a but coming), I couldn't help but recall one of my favorite films the moment this scene was unfolding. In 'As Good as it Gets,' Jack Nicholson's character gets a girl he pretty much obbsessed about and should never be able to land with the old, "You make me want to be a better man," line. He made himself better to land a chick. Aim high, be willing to change, get a better girl than you deserve.
So which is it? Option A sounds a lot like settling. Option B sounds a lot like changing who you are for someone else. Don't all our friends always say don't settle, AND don't change who you are for someone else? Maybe our friends don't know what the heck they are talking about. All I know is in both movies, life was far less than ideal (pregnant kid, single mom w sick kid, OCD guy), but everyone ended up happy and there was good music when the credits started to roll. But it's one or the other. We find someone who accepts us no matter what, or we change to land a better someone. Which is it?
The Times of Your Life
9 years ago