Friday, February 3, 2006

Last OC Blog

June, 2009 Note: I wanted to include my last OC blog for old time’s sake. A special shout-out to all my loyal readers and followers from the old days. One of my worst recaps; it feels very forced and rushed, but I thought it was funny to see my blogging just stop mid-season. 2006, what a crazy year.

OC Season 3, Episode 14, Review

We are back on track. The O.C. is drama-filled, and the death toll may be rising. Johnny's short run may be over, as Marisa's naivety and narcissism claims another victim. I was calling for the leap all night, and he took the plunge. Apparently Marisa, Tequila, and a rocky cliff is a bad combo. For those of us (myself included), who rolled our eyes at Oliver comparisons this season, we were wrong. Maybe not as crazy, but during the final scene when Ryan is talking him down, my mind was replaying the hotel scene from season 1 in parallel. Marisa strikes again!
Have you ever had a bf/gf that kinda sucked or pissed you off, but you forgave them? Things got better for a while, and you even thought everything might be better or different or at least OK? Then they do something stupid and ALL those old memories come back and you realize that its just never gonna work. That is Season 3 Marisa. She grew on me, I trusted her, and I was really giving her a chance. Then she got gay about the Johnny stuff, and all I can think about is Season 2 Marisa who I hated. So all the good progress she made this season is for naught. She just sucks, and I found myself, openly cheering for Ryan to give her the boot.

Ryan has began to progress, and I just don't think he needs her anymore. She is a pain, and she has ZERO self-awareness. She stumbles through life in a reactionary manner, and I hate people like that. She makes no attempt to better herself and seems content to play the victim of her own story. We know this will drag on; her self-loothing will force Ryan to be supportive even though SHE caused the drama...ugh! When I am wishing Trey would come back, you know Marisa is on my nerves.

Seth botched his chance to come clean about the weed, which sucked. I really don't know how that will play out. I guess Seth can't go to Brown and keep the show intact, and Summer can easily decide to stay on the west coast if Seth screws it up. I was just really liking Seth and Summer as a stable force in the show. I guess, we'll just have to wait and see how she handles his new hobby.

Nice touch at the end with Dr. Roberts. I think that is good fun. I hope they make a go at it.
As for Sandy and the Newport Group, I was mildly annoyed. I hate it when they pull the, "I know we told you last week that they had the project, but jokes on you, there is another board member to schmooze" plot twist. Annoying. Don't make me feel like they have the hospital job, and then drag it out. Be creative. A minor annoyance, but I needed to vent.

Kirsten has been quiet of late, but still looking lovely as always. Nice to see her calm and happy.
Ok onto this week's question: What is Kaitlin's motivation? Did she want Johnny? Did she want to hurt Marisa? Is she just a drama-junkie? She didn't seem really into Johnny other than a hook up after everything went down. I am just wondering what her angle is/was.
Glad to be back...cya next week,